New Website, New Blog Post
As some of you may have noticed, my website has had a redesign. I am so pleased with it.
Sarah’s Pet Portraits is well over 15 years old now and this website design is at least years old I believe. It was really about time it was updated to to give it a more modern feel and make it more mobile responsive and other things Google likes. Unfortunately I don’t seem to see much change in my rankings which I have been struggling with for a while now. Google likes to make things a challenge so the user gets the best experience and results. Unfortunately it seems full of digitally created pet portraits and less of the traditional ones. I guess it is a sign of the times. I as an artist have to grow and change with them, I feel 2021 could be the year!
2021 Goals

One of the things that I would love to expand in 2021 is my coloured pencil pet portraits.
Chaos to my left is a beaufful rescue dog I drew this year using this exciting, yet understated medium.
Sadly coloured pencils and even pastels get overlooked or seen as a lesser medium to oils and watercolours. It truly is a shame as these mediums are truly exquisite and create the most wonderful pieces of art. Some of the coloured pencil pet portrait artists I know are amazing and the detail they create is out of this world.
Hopefully you can see by the detail that has gone into Choas’ portrait you can see what I mean about the detail and realism coloured pencils give.
Take a look in my coloured pencil pet portrait gallery for more pet portraits
More Video Content
Another big goal of mine for 2021 is to create more video content. This could vary from more live feeds, to creating tutorials or just some fun videos like time lapses. I love watching a painting or drawing come to life on a time lapse. I actually have a new one to share of Kuma and Snowball. A double dog portrait I completed and sent to Hong Kong earlier in the year. Once I work out how to get it off my phone and onto my Macbook I will make sure to add it to this blog. Here is their pet portrait in the mean time. I had so much fun painting all those autumnal colours for this piece. And do contact me if you are interested in a pet portrait, no matter where in the world you are from. This year I havs shipped to Australia, America, Spain and of course Hong Kong! Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information wherever you are in the world. I am not just creating pet portraits UK!
Kuma and Snowball Pet Portrait and Video

I finally got round to upload the time lapse video of Kuma and Snowball. With my new website design some things have changed, including hpw to upload videos etc. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
I didn’t put any music over it as I tend to find it a bit annoying, but I am always curious to know other peoples opinions on this. I would love it if you gave my Youtube channel a subscribe as I will be uploading more content in 2021. Afterall it is one of my goals and I have to stick to it as I have written it down. Time is always tricky as it takes a long time to do, so please bear with me.
Also please check out my facebook for any live streams and draw a longs as I can’t do it on youtube yet. Not enough subscribers!
Acrylic Pet Portraits and Wildlife Art
Another aspect of my art I really would like to try and find the time to concentrate on is my acrylic pet portraits and wildlife art. I have so much fun getting creative with colours in away the more traditonal pet portraits don’t let you. I do this with my Jolly Splashes work too, but the acrylic is a medium that is so different again ghe learning process is great fun!
Below is one of my first attempts with acrylic paints after many years. I used to use them in a style much mor akin to watercolours, but this time I wanted to explore more texture and bold brush strokes. I love cows andtherefore they are often the subject of my personal pieces. Saying that I don’t like them so much when they get a little over curious and then chase me across a field! Story for another day perhaps!