I have to say I am really getting into the swing of filming videos for YouTube. I feel, personally, I have to set myself new challenges regularly. I love figuring things out and trying out new ideas.
As I said in a previous post I have been undecided and almost felt like it was too daunting to take on, but now I have started, some of the things I was most worried about actually weren’t has had as I thought. Isn’t that oftne the way? Always set yourself new goals and never stop striving to learn.
I am not going to lie, I have a lot to learn yet and many things to improve on, but for my first few attempts I am pretty pleased. I hope to move on to Patreon sometime within the next 6 months to a year, where I will be doing even more in depth tutorials. I am so excited. I will never give up taking on pet portraits for people, but this could be a fun aside and may also give me time to focus on some wildlife work as they would make some fabulous tutorials.
If you want to check any out I have some links below to my most popular ones. The intorduction to Pan Pastels I know people have found very helpful.
This one is always a good one for any pet portrait artist. How to Draw Fur particularly if you are just starting out and that is how to draw fur. I am going to expand on this video a bit with white fur, maybe even white curly fur as one my next dog portraits is a white curly haired dog!