This week I am focusing on Bailey, beautiful border collie I met a few months back. My client brought Bailey to me so he could have his very own photo shoot for his dog portrait.

Bailey is such a gentle soul he was a delight to photograph and he loved having a big fuss made of him. My client decided  on a head a shoulders rather than full body for the portrait and it is 16×12 inches and will be framed

When I do my pet portraits I always start with the eyes. It sounds strange but I feel odd if they are left blank and I don’t have them looking at me. The eyes are the most importrant part of any pet portrait. They are the windows to the soul, the character and most importantly essential to capture a likeness.

border collie, photograph, photo for pet painting, pet portraits, pet portrait

Here is the photo my client selected for Bailey’s pet painting, what a lovely chap he is! Below you can see the progress I have made today. I don’t have much time before the kids get home now and my Sainsbury order arrives. Oh the glamorous life of a pet portrait artist!

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Better squeeze another half an hour in while I can!