I managed to finish the boxer dog pet portrait today which is good, just emailing my client and hopefully there will be no amendments. Then I can frame it.

Here is the next stage, again I took it at a weird angle. Not sure why my photography is so off at the moment!20170821_131950And here is the finished portrait! I hope they are pleased. I think I managed to take a better photo!IMG_6841

Here is the portrait of the to cute little mice, their coast colour was quite hard to get right in the painting, so hopefully my client will approve it. Sweet aren’t they. I addded in their tails as they couldn’t be seen in the photograph. I think they look OK!

I have also been busy signing prints for Made in Kent which we will have to drop out this week.

Henry is all sketched out ready for his pet portrait to be started. He is a bridge baby and I have some fairly tough photos to work with so hopefully I can do him justice!

Update on him tomorrow!