So Monday my little man was complaining of a headache, tummy ache and had a temp. I just thought it was one of those winter bugs doing the rounds until the following night when I was getting him ready for bed I saw the dreaded spots! Fantastic, house bound for Christmas, poor boy and poor me as I have just finished all my Christmas pet portraits.
Nicola had it at 4 months old and she only had seven spots so I am really hoping she doesn’t get it again, we will have to watch this space.
Now all the commissions have been down it is time to start thinking the old accounts ugh. I am so disorganised and I say every year I will be better, but I never am, I am so naughty! My husband will curse me again.
My last pet portrait was collected this morning and I got my third hug from a client in as many days, it is such a nice feeling to be able to do something so special for people. I am very lucky I have the job I do.
Now I need to start preparing the list on new year commissions and make sure I am prepared to start after the Christmas rush!