So the kids are off for their easter break so juggling work and providing entertainment is fun, but I love having them of. They are growing up so quickly I wish I could slow it down. When you 11 year old daughter is starting seondary school in 5 months it starts getting a little scary!

I have framed three portraits this week. I particularly like how Jerry’s came out, the frame really suits his portrait. It’s funny, it wouldn’t be my choice of frame, but now I have seen it, I love it!

jerryWhat do you think, I think it suits Jerry’s portrait perfectly.

I have sketched out one of two Chi portraits I am starting tomorrow. I can’t wait to paint them, they look such sweet characters and I am looking forward to capturing their big personalities. Small dogs have big personalities. I know, I am owned by a JRT!

I am going to do a time lapse of at least one of them, so watch out for that!

Have a good weekend everyone,

Sarah x