I don’t know about the rest of you, but I find it really hard to get back to it in the New Year, so I have eased myself in gently, and I am beginning to get back into it.
Over the last couple of days I have been working on my first 1m x 1m canvas. It is of a polar bear and a larger version of a previous painting. I have had to crawl across the kitchen floor as it is so large it was the only place I could paint it!
Here are some progress shots of it. Once it is varnished I will get a better photograph of the finished piece. I eed to wait for a dry day as the varnish smells and I can’t do it inside.
I also managed to get some more work done on Rosie’s portrait. I would like to get this finished by the end of the weekend as I have quite alot of commissions to be done for the middle of this month.