I can’t really have them, I have had an amazing day. Up and out for an hour and a half Nordic Walking this morning. It really sets me up for the week. I walked nearly 5 miles this morning with my group. It’s amazing how much energy it gives you. And as if the weather gods were looking over me and my rainbow pet portraits we had a rainbow beaming above us for part of the walk. How can that not put a big smile on your face!
Can you guess which one is me? If you look close enough you might see the rainbow!
It was then back to the studio to finish Harley’s portrait. You can read all about him and the process in this blog
I have put progress photos and videos of the whole process, including a full beginning to end video of the portrait. I am really enjoying the time lapses and the next one will be of a beautiful weimeraner I have to paint for Christmas.
I have a giant horse portrait to do, but I think I will save the big portrait time lapses for when I have more experience under my belt. I think at least for the large ones I will have to increase the tie between photos. I use a time lapse app called time lapse spirit and it takes photos at tied intervals and puts them all together to create the viddeo. I can stop and start filming and then stitch them all together in another app, which will also add music and photos and other effects. I am sure there are other apps that will work better but for the time being they will do fine. As my experience grows I can look around more.
I have been scanning in recent portraits for clients and doing some editing on my website. Tomorrow I will be starting the big equine piece and perhaps sketching out some more commissions. I am also off to the post office to post the watercolour portraits I have been painting over the last few days. This evening I have attempted a cat portrait. it is currently drying as I type. I may or may not add the black outline tonight. I haven’t been sleeping well as this lousy cold has been keeping me up with a scratchy throat and cough. Luckily I don’t feel ill with it anymore.
I think for the moment I will keep my commission books closed for Christmas, if I can get ahead like I would like over the next week or so I might open them in to squeeze a couple more pet portraits in! Watch my website and facebook page for news of this.
Oh and because I am so proud of Harley’s portrait here it is one more time. I will show it when it is framed as well.

Harley, pastel dog portrait 10×12 inches
I also managed to scan in my flamingo painting. I hope you like him! As you can see the photos from my phone just don’t show the beautiful colours well
Pink, I love pink. I do have pink hair afterall!
I haven’t finished the cat portrait in watercolour yet. I think I like it but typically my pen is running out so I need to order some more or hope with a good rummage tomorrow morning I can find one that isn’t. I may reattempt the painting yet. I am not sure. I can never tell until completely finished!