Today has been another itty bitty day. I had a coffee planned with a friend which didn’t happen as she got caught up and a haircut booked. My son had a much needed one too!

On days like this I don’t tend to focus on any pet portraits I try and get odd jobs done. I caught up on some photo editing for a possible horse portrait. The ones I photographed a few weeks back. I am really pleased with the photos. They turned out much better than I expected especially as they didn’t want to play ball! My client had said she is happy with them so I can not focus on the composition.

I framed and packed up Meg ready for posting tomorrow. I will try and get a photo of her for tomorrow, it’s so hard to get a good photo once behind glass. I also managed to get a photo of Oakley that was much better and my client is pleased. Just waiting for the details for posting. 

also managed to get my horse portrait sketched out on to paper. Yay. I am so excited to start this one. There are some adjustments to make from the original photo such as putting his mane on the right side as the wind was blowing it over and removing the straw he is munching on.. Doesn’t make a flattering portrait. Here is a photo of the sketch. They want a background like the portrait I did of Kuato Star.


I was also contact by a client who I have previously done two dog portraits for. Two flat coat retrievers Geddy and Rebus. They are beautiful dogs and I am delighted to get the opportunity to paint them again, but this time together.

I am just currently working out the dimensions and a quote. 

Tomorrow I might dig through the archives and see if I can find another video and old portrait. I am going to start filming more regularly again. I can’t wait to share with you all!