I really must make the effort to get back into my weekly blogs too. So many things have slipped recently and I have been lax at getting them back on track.
Hopefully some have you have been following Joe’s blog. A little bit more in depth blog talking about the painti g process. If not check it out here.
I have also completed a double dog portrait this week aof the gorgeous Belle and Buddy. My client is delighted and lives locally so all being well will collect this coming Tuesday. They chose a slim frame for the portrait with the usual double off white mount and it measures 16×12 inches.
I have been busy laying out a couple of mocks in photoshop for up coming pet portraits. One is of a triple dog portrait that will be going on a large 40×30 inch canvas in my Jolly Splashes style and the second is of a pastel painting of a gorgeous chestnut called Fergie.
Below you can see how I have taken the original photo of the three dogs and put them closer together to fit the canvas and still have a nice composition. It is going to be fun getting this on a the canvas. I will start prepping it this week!
Original Photo
An here you can see how I have moved them closer together to fit the canvas
I am hopefully, if all goes according to plan filing the progress of this giant dog portrait! I am getting excited to start it.
I have also finally made a good start on the gorgeous Pugsley’s portrait and I would like to get in the studio to work on him this week, I have made a start on tidying it up!
Talking of Jolly Splashes I recently completed the second hairy coo portrait. Originally titled Mr Coo! I wanted to do one to go with Mrs Coo. I think I am pleased with him, but I would love your opinions of course!
And just in case you don’t remember her, here is Mrs Coo!
Both these are available to purchase, either individually or as a pair, or I can even paint your own Coo with your favourite colours. Just drop me an email if you are interested.
Other than Joe’s pet portrait, I recently completed a pastel portrait of this gorgeous pair. Belle and Buddy. I have my client coming tonight to collect the portrait. It is all framed, strung and ready to go to their forever home. It is a belated birthday gift to his wife so I hope she loves it. Keeping everything crossed!
Back to the triple Jolly Splashes Pet Portrait! I have finally managed after trying all week to get the small version sketched out. I say sketched out, actually a lot of work goes into even the small ones.
I have taken photos of the progress for you to look at. I am sorry they are just phone photos for now. I will get a scan of it tomorrow so you can see the true colours. They are really vibrant and when you add the black it really makes them pop.
Here is the watercolour layer down. I have to try and do it in one sitting, but of course it isn’t always possible and won’t be when I come to the big canvas either. I hope to film that for you. Anyway once this layer is dry I can then add the pen. It is very important in these pet portraits to leave enough white too as that also makes the colours much more vibrant.
And then once it is completely dry I add the pen. Again these pens are artist quality and I make sure they have the highest lightfastness ratings.
The colours look so muted in this, but when the scan is done you will be able to see how bright they truly are!
Tomorrow it on to prepping the canvas and framing Pugsley’s portrait. I will also be prepping the weeks pet painting commissions.
I didn’t make it up the two flights of stairs to get this and another Jolly Splashes Pet portrait scanned in. Time beat me today as I ended up having to go out. I am nearly finished framing Pugsley and all being well he will go out tomorrow and if not then definitely Wednesday. I need to seal up the back of his frame and get him tucked up in some bubble wrap and packed up in his box. I have another frame order due in so I will be needing the space.
My client is delighted with what she has seen so it all systems go for the giant canvas this week. I will update you with the progress.
I also did a little dog portrait in the Jolly Splashes style. This isn’t a commission, it was a bit of fun for me. I love doing them. I decided on a red boxer and here is the finished painting. Again I need a scan, but the photo gives you an idea. I just need a name for her!
So I made a return to the Jolly Splashes pet portraits today. The large triple dog portrait.
Last night was spent sketching them out on the big canvas. Did I mention that they were going on a 40×30 inch canvas. That makes the longer side a meter long! I don’t know what 30 inches is in metric, sorry about that!
I was going to spend the weekend painting them, but I was itching to get started as I don’t really like staring at big, blank white canvas!
So I got into my usual set up on the kitchen floor as watercolours on canvas have to be laid flat, unless you want the watercolour to run of course!
I have made a really rather poor video of my progress so far! I really need to work out a better set up for filming as the angles aren’t quite right, or even some video editing software that can flip a video!
Anyway here is the sketch, hope you can make it out OK, it isn’t the best as I have had to tweak it to make the outline stand out as it is only on faintly
The canvas is actually bright white! Not that the photos show that! Here is a link to the video
It is definitely my New Year project to make sure I can film my pet portraits better than I can now. Anyway it’s still fun to watch. Sorry that I keep flicking in and out I couldn’t get a good angle. Hope you enjoy though. There is more to add.
I meant to also share the scanned image of the smaller version of the portrait, I finally got round to the scan today.
I have been busy working on the big brother of the minature portrait of the above gorgeous trio! It has pretty much taken up most of my weekend and all of last Friday. Now just the coat of varnish to go as my client is delighted with it. I have to say I am also delighted with how it has turned out. These are real statement pieces for any wall. The colours on the canvas somehow seem so much brighter than on paper. It’s really hard to show you! It is something you have to see in the flesh. Or maybe it is just me that sees it , with my artists trained eye! Who knows haha!
Whilst I am in be tonight I will probably finish editing the video for you so I can pop it up here, but in the mean time, please welcome Melody, Chico and Urchin to Sarah’s Pet Portraits!
They really have to be seen in the flesh to appreciate how they look!
As soon as we get some sunshine I shall varnish them and then string them and hang it on my wall for safe keeping and so I can really see how it looks when hung. These pieces don’t really work when you look at them close up. They need to be admired from a distance. Why don’t you commission a pet portrait in my Jolly Splashes style and find out!
I got my wish for sunshine today and have pretty much finished varnishing the portrait, I may need to add another coat, but I will test it tomorrow. Then it is a case of stringing it ready for my client to collect next week.
I have another large canvas coming up of a chocolate labrador called Morgan. I look forward to sharing her portrait with you shortly.
Before I forget here is the full video of Melody, Chico and Urchin’s Jolly Splashes Pet Portrait.
I finally got round to stringing Melody, Chico and Urchins portrait and sent a photo of it hanging on my wall to my client. I think she is pleased and all being well, will be collecting Tuesday afternoon. I can’t wait for her to see it in the flesh. I hope her car is big enough to fit in!
Here it is hanging, don’t forget this pet portrait is on deep edge canvas so can be hung without a frame which looks fab I think, but if you prefer a more traditional look they can be painted on watercolour paper and framed.

I am doing the minature painting for another large Jolly Splashes Pet Portrait this evening, of a gorgeous chocolate labrador called Morgan. I have painted many chocolate labs in my pastels but never one in watercolours before. I am looking forward to playing with the colour possibilities.
It is proving a little trickier than I had thought, I had an idea in my head, but the colours aren’t quite working out. This is why I don’t jump straight into canvas, there could be a lot of expensive mistakes haha! However, I am hoping I am nearly there. I am on my second attempt which I deem worth enough to put the pen on! Hopefully when that goes down I will be happy, lets see, just waiting for it to dry…
I have started adding the pen and I like how it is turning out, but I am wanting other colours. I am not feeling the colours. I think I might give it another bash with a slight different colour pallette than usual. I added some brown hues to it, but it is still leaning to the blues and purples and I think I want it to be browner and redder maybe. I am shattered so I am going to mull it over tonight and see if I come up with anything else over the weekend.