Pixie is a gorgeous Chihuahua and her owners approached me to get her portrait done as she isn’t very well with a heart murmur an wanted a lovely memory of her before anything should happen. Keeping all my digits crossed that it is a very, very long time.
My clients sent me a couple of photos for her portrait, and I selected the one below. The other she was looking up too much I felt. We also selected on a square crop for the painting as we felt it showed off her mane perfectly and that is what my client requested.

I have been really busy with the gorgeous Pixie’s portrait the last few days and I have really got in the zone with her. I think it is because I am an owner of a chorkie (chihuahua x yorkie) and I really understand their little characters. I always find if I know their characters or the dogs personally I feel the portraits come together quicker and more successfully. I hope so anyway. I am waiting to hear back from client to see if she is happy. I also think it has helped I have painted a few chihuahua dog portraits last year. Four to be precise. I was going to say this year but it wasn’t, how does it only feel like it was 6 months ago I painted Lui and Elmo’s portraits!!!
Below I have uploaded the initial outline drawing, a close up of Pixie’s face as the portrait is in progress and then another progress shot, showing more of her body. There were lot’s of layers that went into creating her long silky fur, and making sure it looks the right colour. I used a lot of pinks in her fur believe it or not. Not bright pinks, but more fleshy pinks.

It really was fun to to get stuck into Pixie’s dog portrait and as I mentioned I used a lot of pink to create her fur. I also used my more standard sienna’s oranges, ivory, warm greys, blacks and dark browns, as well as a white to pick out the brightest highlights on her chest fur.
I chose a very pale green to compliment her portrait instead of my usual go to blue. I really like it, very subtle and works well. Below you can see the final scan. I am delighted with how Pixie’s portrait has turned out!

I am so delighted to say that my clients are delighted with pixies dog portrait. That reminds me, I have to save off my photos of clients with their pet portraits and also some new reviews! So quite a lot of work to be done on the website over the coming week. Never mind the commissions. I have Ruby the dobie portrait, but I shall be writing about her on my sister site. I shall provide a link when I have added some more to her blog.