Well it’s been a difficult few months and you may have noticed the portraits haven’t been coming together as quickly and I haven’t been blogging as much. There have been reasons for this, some of which I may explain one day. At the moment I am not ready to share. However the situation has left me with a lot of anxiety and depression.

I have suffered this on and off for many years, but this has been a particularly bad spell, it has knocked my creativity for 6. The good news is I am getting back to my pet portraits but it is taking its time.

Today I had a Skype call with a counsellor who I am going to use to hopefully help me through this and any future episodes. Unfortunately opening you heart to someone you don’t know is emotionally draining so I haven’t managed to get much done on the portrait I am working on at the moment.

I am hoping tomorrow it will be different. I do feel better having taken this step, so hopefully it will enable me to get my focus back.

Back to the pet portraits tomorrow!