I am 40 today, I can’t believe it. I still feel I have a mental age of 19 and I am pretty sure physically I don’t feel anywhere near 40, maybe. Who knows. What are you supposed to feel when you have reached middle age. What I do know turning 40 is not any different really to any other birthday.
I did some admin work and made sure I have all my pet portraits logged for the next few weeks as I am away this weekend. Well tomorrow night anyway, which I am looking forward to
I have been getting stock ready for Mind and I have a few bits to organise tomorrow before we go.
This weekend it is Scruffts I am s excited and will be rooting for Milo. I love that dog. It would make my weekend a birthday if he won and what an amazing thing to be able to say I painted the winner of Scurffts portrait.
If you are interested in watching the program that follows the 6 finalists, it is on channel 4 next Friday at 8pm. More details to follow!