I can’t really say week commencing as I didn’t start the blog until today. Its been a very busy week and today I think I just ground to a halt. I managed to paint 3 pet portraits and that was by putting in very long hours as well as the normal day today stuff!
I tried to work today, don’t get me wrong but I think my brain had frozen! I did manage to reply to my enquiries so at least I did that. It can be hard to know when you are feeling a bit burnt out when you work for yourself. You feel like you are slacking or wasting valuable work time, but I have actually learnt in reality it is best to take that break and start again when fresh. Which is exactly what I have done. Luckily being self employed I can pick up my brushes and pencils tomorrow.
Saying that Maggie has her check up at the vets tomorrow and I have my 3rd dog George staying for the weekend. I love having George to stay and so does Maggie. They are best friends! They haven’t seen each other for a week almost because they get so excited we though it best to rest Maggie, so when he came round wednesday they didn’t stop playing all day and it’s been like that ever since!
Wow what a day. It started early as I have George and he needed walking. Then it was off to the vets for Maggies last post op check. She has got the all clear and is finally allowed off the lead. Oh she was over the moon to be running with George round the field…… Until he got a nasty thorn stuck in his paw. I couldn’t get it out. It seemed firmly wedged in and I didn’t want to pull for fear of ripping his pad. Poor boy hobbled home and it was off to the vets. The vet managed to pull it out and there was a good cm stuck in his paw. It was not a small thorn. We came home with a course of anti biotics and a much happier George. Because his walk got cut short we went out again this afternoon.
In between all this I started work on Daisy’s pet portrait. I beautiful cockerpoo and lots of curly fur. I decided to use oranges pinks and purples for her portrait. I use these colours a lot don’t I? I need to experiment with more. I always think purple will feature in every watercolour pet portrait. Its such a lovely colour and goes so well with so much.
Anyway I will start a blog for Daisy tomorrow. I am shattered now and I have to get up early and sketch out a horse portrait and a black lab portrait. I also have two rotties coming up, two horses and 3 cats! Busy, busy!!