Well here we are, start of another week and almost at the mid way point of the summer holidays. Leo and I had a lovely walk today exploring locally and then I came back home to continue work. I did some more on my current pet portrait, Hugo a beautiful St Bernard and also I have been busy preparing the first lot of stock to go over to Made In Kent next week. The prints arrived Friday and some are going as is and they will be next week, followed by some framed ones. I had to wait for them to arrive before I could order the frames as they are all hand cut and mounted so the measurements can vary slightly, so I do need to check each one individually.
They have ordered a mix of the Jolly Splashes range and my more traditional pastels range. Both seem to sell equally well and I can’t wait to plan some more wildlife pieces. Perhaps there is something you would like to see in a shop somewhere. What would you buy? Amber my fox seems popular so I am thinking of doing another fox, but this time in poppies, and maybe I will call her Scarlet! Not sure yet. I have some ideas forming. Just the time to find to produce them now as I am so busy with the pet portraits. I’d also like to do a bird of prey. A Golden Eagle perhaps? Lots of ideas always mulling around in my head. I have been saying it for years and one day I will do it, and this is give myself a month of to just focus on art for me! I’d love that. Maybe 2020 will be the year for the wildlife side to expand, watch this space!
I honestly have no idea what the matter with me is at the moment. Is it what happens to you when you turn 40 or 41 and a half as I am now. My plantar faciitis has come back. The only thing I can think that has possibly triggered it is my new shoes. But they are exactly the same model as before. I have a half marathon to be fit for in less than 5 weeks and I am beginning to panic I won’t be now. I need to train but also rest my foot.. How do I do that in 5 weeks or less. That or I break myself doing it. Physio appt me thinks.
Anyway beautiful Rohan’s horse portrait was delivered by my husband today and it is the lucky lady’s birthday tomorrow so I really hope she is made up with it.
Tomorrow he is off to Made In Kent to deliver the first of two deliveries of new stock to replace the sold out bits so if you are passing through Gravesend be sure to pop in and see them and all the other beautiful bits they have for sale. Even better you are supporting a great cause. Mind.
All my lovely prints were delivered yesterday and the remainder of my prints due in should be arriving tomorrow and hopefully the frames will be in sometime next week. It would be good to get the remainder of the stock in before the bank holiday weekend. I have a wedding to go to then. I think I have nearly decided on my outfit. Just need to purchase it.
Despite the queasiness I have managed to paint a pet portrait this week. The gorgeous Hugo a lovely St Bernard. I haven’t got the scan of his pet portrait yet, but I will upload it tomorrow.
Next up is a beautiful cat portrait, Henry and two cavalier King Charles spaniels. I shall also be making a start on some pet portraits that were gift vouchers.
Catch up tomorrow.
Well as you probably found out if you checked in, there was no catch up. I think the side effects of the medication had finally caught up with me and I have been really struggling the last few days. Sleeping many hours and feeling so queasy it has been unreal.
Today I have felt marginally better, I took half a tablet late morning and the other half this late this afternoon. Now whether it is coincience or not I don’t know. I can’t really keep taking halves so tomorrow I am going to try and take the whole one with dinner and see how I go. I so, so, so hope I feel better as I honestly didn’t realise how bad I had been feeling until I started to feel slightly better today. I am keeping everything crossed for tomorrow.
As a result I have manage to get quite bit done on the pet portraits side of things today finally. I could feel the time slipping by and I was also begging to get anxious as my pet portraits list for the nest few weeks is quite full.
I have started on a lovely cocker and springer duo. My client wanted me to replace the garden background with scottish heather. I must admit it is turning out better than I had envisaged.
Also my client was delighted with Hugo’s portrait. You can see him on my home page or right below! Handsome chap isn’t he. His pet portrait was completed in pastels as usual.