I have started offering pet portraits in my rainbow watercolour style and I have already got couple of commissions for Christmas.
The first up is a double border collie dog portrait. Its tricky doing white fur in this style as obviously there isn’t as much opportunity to to add the vibrant colours, so I am glad there was two of them, one being black and white. Well not black and white in the painting!
I think it is pretty much finished now. I might add some more background colour to it in the morning, but I will decide once I have placed the mount around it.
I can’t actually frame it yet as I ordered a black frame and they supplied a grey one so I have ordered another and shall return the unwanted one.
Here it it is. I shall get a scan tomorrow as they show the colours much better.

Next up is a liver and white springer spaniel. I am not sure what colours yet but maybe rich browns,. Magentas and purples. I shall just have to see what flows off the paintbrush!
Here is the springer portrait under way. It didn’t end up with as much brown as I thought I would. In fact I always seem to end up with a lot of purples and magentas. But who doesn’t love those colours!
So this is the watercolour layer and tomorrow I will add the pen. Its hard to envisage how it will look with the pen, but it will (hopefully) transform the portrait.

So tomorrow I will update it with the pen added to the portrait. When I am a little more confident doing these I shall have to do a time lapse for you all to see. I will definitely try some different colours next time too!

And here is the finished portrait after the pen has been added. I am really pleased with how he has turned out. Adding the pen to these style pet portraits really makes the difference to them. I need to.try and steer away from the purples and pinks as I always seem end up them.. They are my favourite colour though and I do have bright pink hair after all!
I am delighted I have had a couple of commissions for this style. You never know when you trial something new how it will be received. These pet portrait can also be painted on canvas for an even more contemporary style. Please email me for more information on these pet portraits.
I am really keeping my fingers crossed I get to do more of this style pet portrait in 2019. They are so much fun and whilst you have an idea of how they will turn out in your head watercolours have a mind of their own and you can get some really exciting and unexpected results. Everyone is like a new adventure. I love the freedom these watercolours give me and I hope you do too!