The popularity of my new ‘rainbow watercolour’ fine art range continues to amaze me with many people buying off my Facebook page the moment I post the latest. They seem to like the new scale of my work which I’m producing on large canvasses and I must admit they look stunning in this size.
My pet portrait business is keeping me very busy in the lead up to Christmas as people look for the perfect and unique Christmas gift. However I’m burning the midnight oil at the moment with my Sarah Leigh Fine Art rainbow watercolour collection.
I’m planning to paint the complete range of the “BIG FIVE” African animals – the Lion
Tiger, Leopard, Buffalo and Rhinoceros. Unfortunately the term to describe these amazing creatures was coined by big game hunters as they’re the most difficult to hunt (and sadly killed) on foot. I tend to ignore that connection and consider the term “BIG FIVE” reflects how much bigger they are over the small minded hunters who get such a thrill from killing them.
Anyway to see this range develop, as well as many of my other rainbow watercolour paintings in my photo albums, befriend me on my business Facebook page.
Also keep an eye out here!