Well it’s been a busy weekend. I finished Henry’s portrait as you may have read, and he will be posted off on Tuesday to his very happy client. I hope he might lead to some more bulldog commissions. There are still an few elusive breeds that I am yet to paint. I’d really like to add a saluki to my portrait list, and maybe an Italian Greyhound, but this has been lovely yest of firsts with Henry and also my Australian cattle dogs Bundy and Breaker, which lead to a second Australian Cattle dog commission.
Tomorrow I am back to nordic walking, boy have I missed it, it has been a long week without it and seeing my friends. I have missed them, so it’s going to be great to have a catch up. I am so looking forward to the natter and exercise. Hopefully it will take my mind off my upcoming test results. My gp asked for a a full blood count which has made me very anxious. It is one of my big triggers for my anxiety. However I feel with some of the work I have done this year I am coping with the anxiety somewhat better than I would have done a couple of years ago. However, keep everything in crossed for me please
I had a lovely Nordic Walk today, it was so nice to catch up with the gang! I have missed them, they and the walking have become such an integral part of my life the last 10 months I miss them when I don’t see them. I have also become the butt of some cow jokes since being chased by them a few weeks back. I love that. I feel properly part of a group for the first time in many years. It’s lovely for someone who has had anxiety and struggled with friendships all their life to finally find something like this. I can’t tell you how much it means to me!
Anyway tomorrow I really need to get back into work mode. I have had another lazy day really. I need to get Henry’s portrait posted and new commissions started. I am also expecting results from the Dr’s which has set my anxiety off big time tonight. I have managed to keep it at a whisper for the most part, but now it is shouting big time. I hope all is well, I have a horrible feeling though. Most importantly I hope my anxiety doesn’t prevent me working like it has done in the past. I can feel it trying it’s best today and despite not painting I have still managed some bits. I have far to much to do to stall with a bad bout of anxiety!
Has it really been 2 days since I have updated this blog! I know I had a night off last night, I was exhausted all day yesterday. I am still tired today, but nothing like yesterday. I got the results of my blood tests on Tuesday and they have found nothing untoward, so I feel like I am back to the drawing board, I am sure something is still not quite right. However it wasn’t the gp that requested my bloods that read my results. I need to go and have a chat with her, I need to see her about my shoulder too, which is really not healing. It gets better to a certain point and then I do something, nothing in particular and it goes right back. What makes it worse is I have to lug heavy boxes around so I can’t really avoid using it as I need to take my carefully packaged pet portraits to the post office for their journey!